Self evaluation

  • Language 20%  We used an understandable vocabulary, and we learned some new words 2
  • Presentation 10% We did a really cutie prezi, with pink details (I hate pink, but I let this happen because I really love Léna.) It was useful and practical. 1
  • Body language and eye contact 10% I'm really ashamed about this. I was really nervous, and I screwed it up. 0
  • Structure 10% It was well structured, in a useful way. 1
  • Pronunciation 10% I need to work on it. 0'5
  • Content 40%  It was a difficult topic to work about, because it's hard to find all the pros and cons about the paper and the digital. But I think that the classmates enjoyed it. 3'5

                                                                                          Final mark: 8

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