This pieceof news from the New York Times is
an opinion article about the Hunt for whales by the hands of Japan.
As far as we can see,
Japan's political leaders claims
“scientific” motives to resume the whale hunting, despite the
International Court of Justice banned
against commercial whaling off Antarctica.
So, to keep the
adherence to the treaty,
the government announced that it would resume the hunt, but reducing
the kill to 333 minke whales (1/3 from the recent hunts).
the worst of all is that they try to prove the whale-hunting with
arguments like:
Whaling for scientific research.
Whaling as a definitive part of Japanese culture.
the court has no power to enforce it's ruling, and everything is in
the Japan's government hands.
chosen this article because the whale-hunting it's a topic that
really upsets me. I'm an ocean lover, and I love all the ocean's
wildlife. So the fact that a government resumes with that awful
murders, breaks my heart. The whale-hunting must be stopped.
- Minke/Humpback/fin whales: Different types of whales
- Resume: Continuar
- Slain: Asesinado
- Ruling: Resolución
- Despite: a pesar de
- A third the number: un tercio del nombre
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