Let's change the world together.

Why are people conformist? Each one of us have got the power to change the world, to do whatever we want to do.
Who says that you're not the person who is going to found Atlantis? Who says that you're not who founds the cure of cancer? Who says you're not the person who is going to open the eyes of all the people in this world, to helps them to see that we are ending with the beautiful earth?
Each one of us have got this power. We only need two things to be the change: the persistence and the enthusiasm.
What are we waiting for? We need a change. We need an open mind generation. A generation who can correct these mistakes. A powerful generation.
I'm tired of all those teenagers that only think about being popular, pretty and in beautiful clothes. They don't cares about the climatic change, the wars, the dangered animals.... They only think about themselves.

Come on, please. We need non-conformist guys. We need you. The whole world needs you. Let's change the world together. 

The Yellow girl.

As you would probably know, if you know me, I think that every people that pass trough our lifes, always teach us something. But there are some special people that not just teaches something to us. Besides, they mark our live changing us. I like to call this type of persons “my yellow ones”, as Albert Espinosa did in his book

On the second term, I talked about one of my yellows, Adrián. Now, in the third therm, I'm going to talk about Laila. She was my first yellow. She's a pretty Italian girl that haven't had got an easy life. She is very strong, and very special too. She's an artist. She loves everything relacionated with the art. Painting, music, reading... If art would have to be faced, I'm sure that it would have Laila's face. 
Moreover, she writes very well. She inspires the other people with her inspiration. She can transform something normal into something amazing and beautiful. She's really philosophical, and have got an interesting point of view and interesting thoughts about life.

She made her home between the books. She's in love with Ed Sheeran, and because of that, I'm going to show you my favorite song.

The end.

Summer is right here. I can't believe it. I've survived to this scholar year. Well... Besides the fact that I've survived, I have got all of my goals (Okay, maybe not all... but yes whole of them.) This year I've found myself. This year I'm another person. Now I'm more positive, more strong, more dauntless, more happy and also more hippie. My life have changed a lot, and I love it. 

This year I have known a lot of interesting people. I'm really happy about have retook 1st of Batxillerat, because this year I've learned a lot of things. At the beginning, I was really afraid because it was a really big change. The fact that I had to knew all my new classmates, and the fact that they are one year younger, was something that scared me. But I've realized that some of them, are even more mature than me, which it's very curious.
Moreover, I love my class. Well... I don't like all of my classmates because there are some people with who I don't share some ideas and their behavior. But in general, I get along well with all of my classmates.
In addition, this year have been more interesting. All of the teachers had noticed about my radical change. I've improved my marks. I've changed my lifestyle.

So I hope that next year will be better than this one. 



Divergent it's an American film based on the Veronica's Roth best seller. It explains the story of a girl who lives in a futuristic city that was funded after a war that devastated the world, and whose society is divided into 5 factions: Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), Erudite (the intelligent) and Dauntless (the brave), based on their aptitude tests. But when arrives the moment of choose for Beatrice (the leading role), the aptitude test didn't work on her. They call it Divergent, and she have to hide herself in a faction, for survive. 

I've chosen this film because it's based on my favorite book. I was really excited and impatient to saw this in the cinema, and I went with some friends that also read the book. After this meeting, all of us did a TEST that it's on internet, to know what faction would be the ours. In my case, my faction is Dauntless, which is the faction that Beatrice chose, and the faction that I like the most. They wear a lot of tattoos, piercings, they do a lot of physical and also psychological exercise. 

Dialogue podcast.

Here is my dialogue with Léna. I hope you enjoy it. 

Cancer child's secret message on back of her mirror found by dad after she died.

Thispiece of news, talks about the story of a young girl who left a 3,000-word message hidden on the back of her mirror  she died of cancer. Some days after her death, her dad Dean discovered the long note written in marker pen behind the mirror where she wrote her thoughts on life and approaching death. 

Moreover, in this article we can found some sentences that appears in the message behind the mirror, and also her story with a lot of details.

I've chosen this article because when I found it, the strength of this 12 years old girl surprised me. It's awesome how this young girl can taught to us this lesson. So my favorite sentences from his message, are:

“Happiness depends upon ourselves."
“Maybe it’s not about the happy ending, maybe it’s about the story."
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."
"Happiness is a direction not a destination."
“Every day is special, so make the most of it. You could get a life-ending illness tomorrow so make the most of every day."

Rest in peace, dear Athena. Wherever you are, I would like to tell you that I admire you. I'm sure that I'm not the only one.  

  • Wig: Peluca
  • Clever: Ingenioso, inteligente
  • Blow away: meterse en el bolsillo a alguien. 

Thai army prohibits greetings from Hunger Games.

 This piece of news published 4th of june of 2014 in the news web 2014live.com, explains that the Thai army have prohibited the greeting from the movie "The Hunger Games", which is performed with three fingers, because it has become a symbol of the opposition after the coup of the army on May. 

In the movies and books, the greeting is used as a protest against a totalitarian regime,  but the Thai protesters gave their own meaning. Some people says that the three fingers stand Liberty, equality and fraternity. Another people says that the three fingers stand freedom, elections and democracy. 

I've chosen this piece of new, because I love this books. It's really shocking how the rebel greeting can be caught from the fiction, to become part of the reality. 

  • Greeting: Saludo
  • Coup: Golpe de estado
  • Farewell: Adiós, despedida


She was waiting him. There. As always. The sunset were the witness of their kisses. Each evening. But this one he was late. She wanted to talk, to ask him a lot of things. Also, she wanted to give him the last present. But after hours and hours waiting him, she decided to leave the present in their meeting place. She decided to forget him, and to carry on. But what she didn't know, was that it was exactly what the guy wanted: To be forgotten.

He was behind the tree, watching her. The way that she walked nervously, angry with him because he was late. He would miss her. Her hair, her pail skin, her big green eyes, her pointing nose, her lips... But she deserved someone better than him.

His heart broke up when he saw how the girl went away by the street. When he made sure that she wouldn't come back again, he walked to their meeting place, where he found it. The present with the letter. He just read the end: I love you, Sam. 


You don't know how I've missed you. I have a lot of things to explain you, dear Summer. This year have been so crazy. A lot of changes. A lot of experiences. A lot of laughs, a lot of kisses, a lot of memories.  But now that you're here, it's going to be even better. I'm sure of it. Why? Because I've a lot of plans. Do you want to hear them? 

Firstly, dear Summer, I’m going to enjoy you, as I never did before. To begin, I'm going to test every sports, as much as possible: Paddle surf, long-boarding, snorkel... Also, I'm going to improve my English, and maybe I will travel to England, to a beautiful place called Plymouth. Moreover, I'm going to work in my dive club, taking underwater photos and helping with the tourists that speaks English. And besides I'm going to change my style. There are more things to do, and I’m sure that them will make this summer, greatest and better than ever.

There are many things to do, so dear Summer... Please, come quickly but happen really slow and stay with me forever. 

Living in chaos

I'm wide awake, but my eyes are closed. I feel the sunlight caressing my skin, and I hear the sound of million birds. The window is open and the picture of all these birds coming into my bedroom picking me up from my bed is floating in my mind.  But it won't happen. So, bravely I open my eyes and I leave my bed. It's a rainy day, and the cold gets into my room through the big window. But I don't close it. I like this feeling. Step by step, I go to my bathroom to take a cold shower.

Today is going to rock. Today is the day. Today is MY day. So I put on my favorite black shorts, my black T-shirt and my Vans. I go downstairs with my mobile in the pocket, and the long-board under my arm. I have to be in the beach at nine o'clock.
-Bye Mom.
- Honey, where are you going? Please, have breakfast before anything.
- Sorry Mom, but I’m really late. I will eat something with Emily in the beach, okay?
- Mhhh. Okay. Have fun, darling. I love you.
- Me too, Mom. ¡Bye!

I never lie. I hate lies. So I drive my long-board by the streets of the city, feeling so guilty. I'm so sorry, but my mom can't know anything about us. 

Opinion essay

Torture: Nor an art nor culture. 

In general people think that the animals can be underestimated because they are not rational beings. But how rational is someone who defends bullfighting being an art? 

Art is understood as the expression of your feelings and ideas by the production of something original by you according to aesthetic principles and having more than an ordinary significance. Art would never involve swords, blood or the constant suffering of the innocent bull. 

However, In my opinion what is more outrageous is to see a bullfighter proud to rise his award: the animal's ears or it's tail. In both cases they are cut off from the dead but still hot animal's body. Although many Spanish people agree with bullfighting being a beautiful and patriotic tradition. I disagree with the fact that this type of bulls are specially grown up to end up in a bullring. 

In summary, I think that this awful tradition should be eradicated, because it attempts on the animal's dignity.