My ENGLISH PROGRESS from 2013-2015

It's so fun, because one week ago, I was not inspirited to do some extra-post for getting higher grades, and I decided to search among my blog drafts. I wanted to use them, so I corrected them. That way I realized about my improvement.

Well, this would be my frist post, but I didn't posted it, because I directly sent it to my teacher:

Hey, teacher! I’m Ana and I’m 17. This year was the first time that there wasn’t some “Ana” in my class. Well… until you arrived. I think that this year, my classmates will drive me crazy, because when them call you, I think that them are calling me.

I’m from Sant Pere Pescador, but I hope that we will move out to Empuriabrava. Why? Because I love changes. I don’t like the routine, and I’m tired of Sant Pere Pescador. My love for the changes is very important, because I think that it’s the most important characteristic of my personality. In the future, I just want to travel around the world. I want to learn and try to understand a lot of different cultures. This last summer I didn’t work. This summer I just have enjoyed it with my friends, meeting with them, doing a lot of sport, and becoming “Open water diver” in diving world. So I don’t have too much things to explain about it.

About my experience as an English learner, I have to say that I’m so proud. Well, I think that I improved so much my English since 3th of ESO. I can write a composition without the help of a dictionary (well, maybe some words… but not much words), and I love write in English. But I have a problem. When I’m doing an exam, I get very nervous and I do a lot of stupid mistakes.

About the differences...
Personal pronouns: I was using “them” (object) instead of “they” (subject).
Using wrongly some verb tenses. Infinitive (TO write)/Present Perfect (I have improved).

I analyzed the content, the structure and the language, and with the help of the grids, I graded my own text. The grade would be 7'7. The structure is well done, but as I said, I did some grammar mistakes. About the vocabulary, I use expressions like “Drive me crazy”, conditionals...

So, as a conclusion, I see differences between my first post and my last post.  


I'm so excited because four days ago, my baby arrived at home. Now, it's official. I've got the book “Into the wild”, in English. I have to wait until the summer arrives, because now I'm to busy with the school stuff. But I'm sure: The book is gonna be with me every day of this summer, and I want to read it, and read it, and read it again.

Moreover, I've found a perfect summer job. I'm going to work at the scuba diving center as the underwater-photographer. I'm so happy about that, because I'm gonna work on something that I really love. 

Letters to heaven

Dear mum;

I'm packing up my things. Some clothes, my toothbrush, one book for reading while we are on the road, my camera... When everything is ready, I finally go to sleep. Tomorrow starts our little adventure, road ahead. I can't wait for it.

The guys picked me up at nine o'clock at my house. We arrived to our destiny 4h later. The roadtrip has been amazing. We sing a lot of songs because Marco, who plays the guitar, brought his songs to the trip. He wanted to show them to us. All were love songs. Marco is the romantic friend, so his love songs were not a surprise. 

I really miss you. I'm doing it, mum. The adventure just started. 

PS: I love you.


Waiting under the moon's sight. It's like time has been stopped. I just wanna go far away. I just wanna lose myself, road ahead.

That amazing feeling, when you can't stop thinking about that short escape. Yeah, maybe it's too much short. But that's better than nothing. And besides it, I'm pretty sure that seeing her, hugging her, traveling with her special family will be fantastic.

He was in her room by the first time. The guy just looked the big map above her bed. In the map, there were some red little thumbtacks. He smiled to her.

She's awake. She's still awake. She misses him by her side. The bed is too big without him. She can't understand why him. She hates that drunk driver, she hates the wet highway, she hates death. 

Endings meaning startings

Okay. I'm just too sleepy. I can't believe it! We are on our final exams. Yeah. Stressed, nervous, anxious, needing to sleep like for one week at least. Everything is messed up in my head. What I've done, what I have to do, what I need to think about (basically, about what can I do after ending my school year)... Well. Pretty annoying, and probably the worst two weeks of my entire life. All the pressure, the classes, the exams... It's like if I hadn't time to even breath.

But in the other hand... All this endings, mean starting. Yeah. Summer is starting. A new life is starting. New motivations, new people, new places, new experiences... Waiting for me. I just need to survive these two hard weeks, and then... SUMMER PARADISE. Just the sun, the sea and me. It sounds like heaven, doesn't it?

The rain song

It's a rainy day. I can feel the smell of rain stocking my pale skin. The street is empty and I love that... I'm listening The Rain Song of Lez Zeppelin.  The song's lyrics are beautiful, and very special. I walk this empty street, full of puddles. My shoes are wet and my feet are cold, but I like this feeling. The cold reminds me that is winter is coming, but I'm okay with that. I enjoy every season of the year. I decide to go back home. I want to watch a movie, with popcorn and with my cozy blanket. 


The sound of my phone, wakes me up. What time is it? I don't know. I open the closet, and I put on my blue jeans, my white sweater and my converse. I take my camera and I go to the kitchen, where my mum is having breakfast. 
- Good morning sweetie! 
- Good morning mum. I'm going to take a walk. See you later!- I shout while I'm opening the door. 

The street is plenty of people, each one with it's own thoughts. I walk between them, without destination. I take some different photos, but I'm not inspired, so I decide to go to the beach. The beach is empty, because the winter is coming. I'm bored, so I sit down in the cold sand.

 I'm taking photos of the ocean, when I listen a voice whispering next to me: "Good one". I turn my head to the left and then I see him. A boy, 18 years old more or less, dark-haired, with the darkest eyes I ever seen.

- Thanks, but I don't speak with strangers. So go away, please. Don't disturb me.

- Woooow. I only want to say you that I think that you are a very good photographer... But it doesn't matter. Bye Sam.

Wait, wait, wait. How can this boy know my name? I don't understand anything. When I try to ask him how he know my name, he's not there.


I'm afraid. I don't understand anything. I need you, but you don't need me. I'm lost in a thick forest. I wear black shorts, with a dirty white T-shirt. I find a stream, and I cross it. My clothes and my worn out converse are wet. I have cold. I run. But then, in front of me, I see a little girl. She has blond long hair, pale skin, and she wears a pretty white dress. She gets close to me. Slowly. I fall on my knees. She raises her hand, and caresses my face. She gives me the most beautiful smile that I never seen. But then, her face becomes horrible. Her skin is rotten, and she is crying. Her tears are blood. She screams my name, and her voice is very low. I am scared. She hold my arm, and stain me of blood.

 I open my eyes. I'm in my bed-room. It was a nightmare. I wake up and I go to my bathroom. I wash my face, and I see that. 

My arm is spotted with blood.

Staring at the Sun

Here I am. Oh... the best place in the world. It's magic: the sound of the sea, the sound of the seagulls, the water touching my barefooted feet.

I'm so happy. I feel the sun caressing my cheeks. The summer just begin, and it means: RELAX, FREEDOM, HAPPINES... No more exams, no more homework, no more oral presentations. JUST RELAX.

I'm sitting on the sand, forgetting all my problems. But suddenly, one pretty little girl says to me:

- Hello!

She is blonde, pail, with enormous blue eyes... Her long blonde hair reminds me the sun. She's like a little angel.

- Sun, please! Don't disturb this girl! - Shouts her mother.

Sun. Her name is SUN. Isn't it Ironic. She gives me the biggest smile that I ever seen. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

It will be a different summer. It will be THE SUMMER. I know that because the Sun had smiled me.

The girl that made her home between the books.

From my point of view, there is a reason for everything. All the people you meet along your life teaches you something. There are people who teaches you that you can't trust nobody. But there are people who teaches you a lot of good things.

Three years ago I met a different kind girl. She thinks that each one of us are good. But the society sully this goodness. And she didn't had an easy kind of life. But she's a fighter, and really strong.

Lyla is an artist. She paints, she plays the guitar, and she writes. Creativity is her second surname. Well... She writes the best little stories of the whole world. She inspires other people with it's own inspiration. She transform the normal onto the spectacular.

Well... She's an intelligent, pretty, interesting, mysterious, and different girl. She made her home between the books. I'm sure that she is gonna be a famous writer of best sellers.

Amelia and the animals

Yep. I've chosen again an article that talks about photography. And also, I really love animals. So I found it, and I couldn't miss that. I needed to show this immediately. 

This article talks about the story of Robin Schwartz, one special photographer. She took her first photograph of an animal at ten years old. She really like animal's world. She cannot survive without animals. 

Her assistant on the shoots is her thirteen-year-old daughter, Amelia, who is also the subject of Schwartz’s body of work “Amelia’s World,” a magical portrait stretching over eleven years, where Amelia appears with a lot of different animals—the largest is an elephant and the smallest is a Cotton-Top Tamarin. Schwartz is a professor of photography at William Paterson University, in New Jersey. In this article, she answers an interview, so there is a lot of information reallly interesting.

My favorite ones:

New words:

Annie Leibovitz's celebrity Disney dream portraits

As you may know, I'm in love with photography. It's not just capturing pictures what I like... I really love editing that shots with my PC. So the editing work with this amazing photographs, taken by Annie Leibovitz, and her original ideas just attracted my attention.

Well, that short article talks about Annie Leibovitz's photos. She has been capturing pictures of some celebrities representing some Disney characters, as a part of her collection of Disney Dream Portraits. A photo of Jessica Chastain as the princess Merida from the film “Brave” has been her latest addition to her original collection. Along the article, it explains more curiosities about her work.

My favorite pics are:

Taylor Swift as Rapunzel
Russell Brand as Captain Hook

New words:

Women's cause

C/Sant Joan 19º, 1º 1ª
14th April 2015


Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas, 39, planta 13 letra D, 
Valencia, Spain
To whom it may concern

I'm writing to file a complaint about the sexism ideas that still remain in our society. I wish someone would stop the massive propagation of that sexist ideas. All that mums that are taking care of her children while working, all the women that are the responsible for cleaning the house, Skinny models in fashion shows, lower salaries for the women, people even use “like a girl” as an insult.... Actually, I can write a long list of cases that prove the currently sexist ideas in our society. I think that's outrageous. So please, do something to stop that. 

We suffer the period once a month, we carry the baby during 9 months, and finally we suffer in the birth. We are not weak. We don't diserve all this sexism. We shall be lauded by all the men in the world. 

Yours sincerely, Ana Angulo Sánchez. 

Russia turns blind eye to homophobic violence

That piece of news talk about the fact that Russia turns blind eye to homophobic violence. So that doesn't complains with many human rights; The freedom and equality right, the legal recognition right, the legal equality right and the social security right. Along the video, some victims of different homophobic crimes explain their horrible experiences. It's awful, and the images are so hard and disturbing. The existence of that type of people, which humiliate and torture lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and activists, is not the worst. The worst of all, is that the Russian government are not doing nothing about it, and that it's laws are so homophobic.

Well, Spain turns blind eye to homophobia too. Not at that level, but there is also too much homophobia in our country. Mostly at the little towns.

All that homophobia should be stopped. Immediately. 

New words:


1. What are human rights?
Human rights are the rights you have simply for being human. 

2. When and why were they created?
They were created in 1948.

3. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights. 

4. Which human right were you not familiar with?
I didn't know about the right to play. That's because I've never thought about “playing” as a right. Possibly, it's because I think that playing is something natural. It's like a “Right for breath”. I mean, that's obvious, doesn't it? In what type of world would we live if we didn't have the right to play? 

An example where that right would be violated; Some kids are playing football in the park, when a girl arrives. She wants to play with them, but they reject her. They say that girls can't play football.

In the other hand, an example where that right would be respected; The same situation, but the girl plays football with the other kids.