Self evaluation

  • Language 20%  We used an understandable vocabulary, and we learned some new words 2
  • Presentation 10% We did a really cutie prezi, with pink details (I hate pink, but I let this happen because I really love Léna.) It was useful and practical. 1
  • Body language and eye contact 10% I'm really ashamed about this. I was really nervous, and I screwed it up. 0
  • Structure 10% It was well structured, in a useful way. 1
  • Pronunciation 10% I need to work on it. 0'5
  • Content 40%  It was a difficult topic to work about, because it's hard to find all the pros and cons about the paper and the digital. But I think that the classmates enjoyed it. 3'5

                                                                                          Final mark: 8

Photoshopping Real Women Into Cover Models

Well, as I think that my reading comprehension it's pretty good, I wanted to try with my listening comprehension. So that's why I've chosen this beautiful video that it's connected to the topic we are doing in class.

This video is about an experiment with some women that are not happy with their bodies. They say that it's because their bodies will never resemble to the cover models ones. It's a very simple experiment, with a beautiful reflection behind. A professional photographer take some photos to those women, and then he phosothops them. Then, they show to the participants the results, and the women hate the results.

I've chosen this video because I loved the message that it gives to the world. Well... in particular to the woman of the world. You don't have to hate your body, because it's not like the perfect bodies from the covers. Nobody is perfect, not even the cover models. And these imperfections makes ourselves unique. So love every inch of you. 

  • Ads: Anuncios
  • Cover models: Modelos de portada.
  • Flawless:Perfecto
  • Pretty: Más bien

When Should You Shop? Right After Black Friday

Following the advice of one friend, as I didn't had any idea of what I could  write about, I googled Black Friday. Among all the consumerism stuff, the excesses and the  fake sales, I've finally  find out an interesting article. It talks about the truth hidden behind the Black Friday deals. 

The article explains that the best time to get the best deals on electronics products is in the two to three days after Black Friday. Why? Because it's when the prices tend to bottom out. So the best moment to drop, it's when the older models of goods had fallen in price over the weekend after Black Friday, when the newest models are introduced to the market because of the Christmas season.
Therefore, if you stay at home on Friday and you wait few days to shop online, you will truly get the best deals.

Moreover, it reminds us that the prices can be different in the brick-and-mortar stores and online, and that the sales patterns for other products can be different. It gives to us the example of the toys prices that don't bottom out until two weeks before Christmas, more or less.

And finally, it ends with the advice that we wouldn't buy items if we don't really want to. 

I've chosen this article because I absolutely disagree with Black Friday, because I think that it's just a trick to promote the consumerism, like valentine's day.

  • Deal: Ganga
  • Caveat: Advertencias
  • Brick-and-morter stores: Tiendas tradicionales (no vía Internet)
  • Bottom out: Tocar fondo
  • Sales patterns: Patrones de venda.

Opinion essay

Does humour play an important role in life?

Personally, I think that humour plays a really important role in our daily lives. Why? Well... Because the humour affects directly our mood. Humour can even completely change it.

And the fact that when we see someone crying, we always try to make some silly jokes or actions to make him or her laugh, proves it. We do this because we think that the fact of laughing ends with sadness. And also we know that if this person laughs, he/she will forget the sad think that gets him/her down (Maybe not forever, but yes at this moment).

When you try to help this sad person, immediately he or she feels better (or normally they do). And if you're a lonely person, you can help yourself. For example, when I'm on a bad mood or sad, I watch comical videos in you-tube.

So, in conclusion, I think that a little bit of humour never hurts, and all the people shall spend one hour minimum to forget the problems and just laugh.

Would you sleep here?

This piece of news talks about the annual International High-line Meeting in the Italian Alps, where some thrill-seekers, a group of extreme athletes, gather in Monte Piana, Italy, to spend together a week practicing their sport.
This meeting is not a competition. They just get the best out of this special sport in group. And also they enjoy the amazing view, the nature and the company.

Moreover it explains when started the International high-line meeting and also, in who can it be inspired. 

Well... I've chosen this piece of news because the pictures attracted my attention. It's really odd to see some people lying in a hammock  at hundreds of feet above the ground, relaxed and playing the guitar. I'm a trhill-seeker person, so I think that I would do this. The height, the feeling... But I think that would be impossible to me to sleep without moving a finger. 
What about you? It's not for the faint of heart.

If you could read my mind

Sitting in my bed, with the PC above my sun-kissed legs, trying to write my thoughts, trying to explain my feelings to the world. But after 20 minutes, the page it's still empty.
I need to collect my thoughts. But I can't, because my mind is a mess. So I go to the kitchen to take some cold tea (tea always helps to order my shambles).
When I return to my bed-room, my mind is still a mess, and I can't find the words to express myself. I turn off the computer and in a rush I put on my converse, I take a sweater and I escape.

Taken by me

Step by step I arrive to my lovely ocean. There, I put my shoes off and I walk along the seashore. The caress of the water in my barefooted feet provokes me shivers. I just look to the skyline. I'm lost in the skinny line that separates the ocean and the sky. Little by little, the sound of the waves floods my messy mind. 

Keep calm, it's almost over

Oh, my lovely blog. You are really empty since the last year. I'm so sorry, but everything has been really messy this new scholar year. Too much chaos, too much stress, too much pain... I was upset with the world, drowning in my dark ocean of pessimism. But I've found myself again trying to keep my head above this dark and dirty waters. 

It has been really hard to let go my lovely summer. Sunny days are over. I'm gonna miss the boat trips, the immersions, the sporty mornings, the sun kissing my skin, the underwater photographs, the relaxing evenings watching series, the meetings with my friends, the summer parties...

Summer's gone. But the next one will be better. Why? Because this year is the last one in the high-school. So in the next summer, I will be FREE, completely FREE. And I'm gonna enjoy my freedom. 

Here I leave you some photos of my lovely summer. (The two landscapes photos are taken by me)

Me with one friend in the boat.

Taken by me, Cap de Creus, underwater.

Taken by me, Cap de Creus, Boat trip.

Me and my friends