Equal love, equal rights.

Few months ago, I saw this video on facebook. It marked a milestone on my life. It explains the story of two guys, Shane and Tome. They are an homosexual couple. They felt in love, and they were living an amazing and beautiful love story, until Tom kills himself.
The pressure of his homophobic family, bring him down. It's really sad, and unfair, because after the death of Tom, his family steal the body. If the homosexual marriage, would had been accepted, Tom would had have the right of demand the body of his dead boyfriend.

I'm tired of the homophobic thoughts. I would like to talk with someone homophobic, and ask him/her one question: Why you don't understand that no matter If you love a boy or a girl? You don't fall in love with the sex. You fall in love with the personality. 

Open your eyes, open you mind. RESPECT the others. 


Well, as you know, I love changes. And I think that a lot of things had changed in my life:
New house, new town, new friends, good mood, more positivity (But still a little bit of negativity), more maturity, more open-minded, more philosophical, more healthy, more happy with myself...

Well, because of all this changes, I would like to share the others that I have changed, changing my style. No, I don't want to dress like a hipster, and I don't want to dress like Gothic girl neither. Keep calm, I won't tint my hair, nor cut it. No way!

What I want to do with my style, it could be called be more “hippie”. No, I wont wear flared jeans, nor become nudist. It's like a light version of the hippie style. I don't want to buy clothes in the big companies. No more Zara, no more Stradivarius, no more bershka. I think that the society had washed our brains. If my clothes is not broken, why I have to go to buy more and more clothes? Anyway, even if you have too much clothes, you finally wear usually the same, your favorite ones.

I'm going to clean up my closet. What I never wear, because I’m waiting to be more thin, or because It was more beautiful in the mannequin , I will try to change all this clothes, with the help of one dear friend.

From now on, I will buy my clothes on the little shops. Just the cheap and comfortable clothes. I will let my hair grow. 

Sweetest smile.

I'm sat on a gray little wall, with some friends. I've got the camera on my hands. We are at the university, visiting the place where probably some of us will be in a couple of years. All of my friends are enjoying the visit, talking about the hot university students, or about the enormous classes, or the talkative professors.

But I'm on my way. I'm analyzing all the people that are walking through the hall. There are a lot of different and special people. But then, I see her. She has got the sweetest smile of the world. It's one girl of my classroom. I don't know her, but anyone, even If you don't know her, could realize about she's different and special.

I take a photo of her. I take another one. She's walking, lost in her thoughts. She doesn’t see me. I look the photo. She's smiling. Even when nobody's looking her, she's smiling. She's awesome. She shines. I would like to know her, because she transmits me her good mood. She seems interesting. 

My deep ocean

The people walks through the school halls. Walking so fast, without paying attention to the other people. Some of them are walking with company, talking together. Another ones, are just walking in silence, alone. Each one of them, drifting in their own ocean of thoughts. Love, friends, problems, mistakes, complexes... A lot of little drops that form the gray water of their oceans. I'm lost in my own ocean too. It's not called Mediterranean, but it's name starts by the letter “M” too.
My mind go blank. My ocean is looking at me. His way of looking at me, without avert his eyes of myself, provoke me shivers. Now, my mind is a mess.

So deep. It scares me. But the fear makes me feel alive. I want to dive myself on  my ocean. 

The world around us

This article talks about the National Geographic photography competition in 2012.

The organization are calling professional and amateur photographers from all around the world, to send their best photos, that will be classified in 3 categories: people, places and nature. The most breath-taking photo, The one that takes first prize will be rewarded with $10,000 and a trip to National Geographic headquarters, to participate in the annual national geographic photography seminar.

I'd chosen this piece of news, because I’m in love with photography, and one of my dreams, it would be become a famous photographer of the National Geographic. Moreover, I've felt in love with the photos of this contest. 

Who's gonna win the contest? Well, my favorite photos are:

Vocabulary: *prize: premio
                 *headquarters: oficina central, sede.

New style of portraiture.

This article talks about Sebastien Del Grosso, the French artist who combines his two passions, the photography and drawing, to create a new-style of portraiture that is out of the ordinary.
He uses an special effect to create brush strokes making his photographs look like a painting. He thinks that this way, he introduce an imaginative element to the photo, making his artwork more pleasant to the eye.

He had created two different series of his work:
  • The first, “The sketch of life”, illustrates Sebastien's daily life, from an humorous point of view.
  • The second one, “Friend sketch” contains some portraits of his photography team, where he shows the process of some of his pictures.

I've chosen this piece of news because I love photography and this original type of portraits, attract my attention. I thing hat it's really beautiful, and I love the idea. It's really out of the ordinary.

Vocabulary:     *brush: brocha (tipo de pincel)
                     *strokes: Pinceladas  


Film review
Into the wild it's an American drama film based on a true story. It explains the life of Christopher McCandless, who traveled across North America, to discover himself, and a film that shows to us another life-style. This film had been directed by Sean Penn, who based the film on the book “Into the wild” written by Jon Kakauer. 

After graduation on the university, he abandons his possessions, gives his money to the charity AND travel to Alaska, where he wants to live in the wilderness. Along the travel, he found and knows some special and different people, who teaches him different special lessons in each case. 

I'd chosen this film, because it's my favorite one. I love it, because it's very interesting, and I would like to try to live an adventure like that. I would like to be strong enough, and try out to live a radically different life-style. I think that it would make me appreciate much more everything, and it would be a perfect way to enrich myself. 

I give to this film stars: **** It's PERFECT, AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, AWESOME. I think that everyone would have to watch this film, or read the book.


Well, on this video we can hear the story of Logan Laplante, who is 13 years old, and who took out from the traditional system of education, to be taught with special system of education. 

This little guy, was pulled out from the school with just 9 years old, because his mother wants to try with a different system of education. So, Roger Walsh, a scientist who studies how to be happy and healthy, wanted to change the education system, because the traditional system it's oriented to how to make a career rather than how to make a good life. The school teaches us that if we study to get a degree, If we get marry... We will be happy, and healthy. But all of this it's not necessary. The most important thing to be happy in future, it would have to be learn about happiness and healthiness. But them are not considered education. 

So this little guy, now studies how to continue being happy as he's now. He called this new system "hackschooling". This system it's based on the TLC (therapeutic life-style changes), which are the basic "subjects" to fulfill the objectives of this system: become happy and healthy. He called “hackschooling” because he thinks that the world needs more hacker minds. Hackers are not just nerds in front of the computer. Hackers are innovators, people who challenge and change the system, to make it go different and make it better. 

I'm fascinated by this little guy. It's amazing how he talks, how he thinks. I absolutely agree with him. The schools kills creativity. I think that our education would have to be oriented to LEARN, not to study for the exams, and to forget everything after it. 

We need more practical knowledge. The best characteristic of the human race, is the CREATIVITY. Our progress depends on the creativity. I think that the education system would have to change.