United kids of the world!

I think that one of the reasons for my good level with english, is that I love to listen songs and try to catch the lyrics to translate them. I think that the most important thing of one song, is the lyrics. 
Today I was in facebook, when one friend have shared one song. He have good taste with the music, so I have decided to listen the song.. This song is United kids of the world, by Headhunterz feat Krewella. Immediately, the lyrics attracted my atention. It's an anti-bullying song.
There is beauty in simplicity.
Personally, I think that during this times, the world have lost the respect for the others, wich is outrageous. It doesen't matter what you do, you always will be tried and criticize. You can't be different, you can't love a girl if you're a girl, you can't love a boy if you're a boy, you can't be fat, you can't be thin... If you're not another sheep of the flock, all the stupid sheeps will try to birng you down. 

 So here, I show you the amazing lyrics of this amazing song with his translation: 

Here's to the ones that are trying to hide/ Aquí está per els que s'estan intentant amagar
Here's to the ones that just keep it inside/ Aquí está per aquells que només su guarden per ells.
We could be the ones that are leading the fight/  Nosaltres podríem ser els que lideren la lluita.
Lighters that guide us through darkness and night/ Els encenedors que ens guíen a través de la foscor i la nit
We could be the voice when there's no way to cry/ Nosaltres podríem ser la veu quan no hi ha manera de plorar.
Let it all out 'cause now is our time/ deixa-ho anar tot perquè ara es la nostra hora.

All the things we never say, we can say today/ Totes les coses que mai diem, les podem dir avui
The love we had to borrow, we can spend tomorrow/ L'amor que em demanat, el podem gastar demà
If we don't surrender, we'll be young forever/ Si no ens rendim, serem joves per sempre
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som

United kids of the world!/ Els nois units del món 
Rise if you haven't been heard/ Aixecat si no has estat escoltat
United kids of the world!/ Els nois units del món
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som
(Na na, na na na, na na na)
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som...
(Na na, na na na, na na na)
United kids of the world! [3x]/ Els nois del mon units.

This one's for you if they tell you you'r wrong/ Això es per tu si ells t'han dit que estás equivocada
This one's for those who don't think they belong/ Això és per aquells que no pensen que importen. 
Just don't give a fuck, come on do what you want/ Que no t'importi una merda, vinga fes el que vols.
Let it all out, 'cause this is our song/ Deixa-ho anar tot, perquè això es la nostra cançó.

All the things we never say, we can say today/ Totes les coses que mai diem, les podem dir avui
The love we had to borrow, we can spend tomorrow/  L'amor que em demanat, el podem gastar demà
If we don't surrender, we'll be young forever/  Si no ens rendim, serem joves per sempre
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som

United kids of the world!/ Els nois units del món.
Rise if you haven't been heard/  Aixecat si no has estat escoltat
United kids of the world!/  Els nois units del món.
Say we are, we are .../  Digues que som, que som
United kids of the world!/   Els nois units del món.
Shout out if your feelin' hurt/ Crida si t'estas sentint ferit 
Say we are, we are .../  Digues que som, que som
United kids of the world!/ Els nois  del món units.

(Na na, na na na, na na na)
Say we are, we are .../  Digues que som, que som
(Na na, na na na, na na na)
Say we are, we are .../  Digues que som, que som
United kids of the world!/ Els nois del món units.
Shout out if your feelin' hurt/ Crida si et sents ferit
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som
United kids of the world! [2x] /  Els nois del món units.

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