San Francisco celebrates newest hero: Batkid

This news, explain the story of Miles Scott, a little boy who has been faigthting against leukemia since he was one year old.He is in remission and he got a chance to fulfill his dream beeing batkid for one day in the city of San Franciso. A lot of people helped to turn San Francisco into Gotham City to help make his wish come true. Batkid, saved some famous people like Pitbull, and was praised by Obama, the president of USA.

In my view, I think that the story of this boy is really amazing. It makes me happy to know that there are some people able to make anything, to make a little kid happy. Because of it, i've chosen this news. 

Here, I leave some words from the article that I've searched in the dictionary 


We used a prezi with some pictures and apart from this, we showed a little part of a video. I think that the structure of our presentation was okay and generally, all the words we used were easy, and we wrote a little glossary at the whiteboard, with the most difficult words. Moreover I think that our pronunciation was okay.
 Well,I was a little bit nervous. In my view maybe it was so much static but about the eye contact, I was looking my classmates all the time.
In conclusion, I'm proud of this oral presentation, because I think that I was less nervous than in the oral presentations from last year. And I think that all of my classmates enjoyed the presentation.


United kids of the world!

I think that one of the reasons for my good level with english, is that I love to listen songs and try to catch the lyrics to translate them. I think that the most important thing of one song, is the lyrics. 
Today I was in facebook, when one friend have shared one song. He have good taste with the music, so I have decided to listen the song.. This song is United kids of the world, by Headhunterz feat Krewella. Immediately, the lyrics attracted my atention. It's an anti-bullying song.
There is beauty in simplicity.
Personally, I think that during this times, the world have lost the respect for the others, wich is outrageous. It doesen't matter what you do, you always will be tried and criticize. You can't be different, you can't love a girl if you're a girl, you can't love a boy if you're a boy, you can't be fat, you can't be thin... If you're not another sheep of the flock, all the stupid sheeps will try to birng you down. 

 So here, I show you the amazing lyrics of this amazing song with his translation: 

Here's to the ones that are trying to hide/ Aquí está per els que s'estan intentant amagar
Here's to the ones that just keep it inside/ Aquí está per aquells que només su guarden per ells.
We could be the ones that are leading the fight/  Nosaltres podríem ser els que lideren la lluita.
Lighters that guide us through darkness and night/ Els encenedors que ens guíen a través de la foscor i la nit
We could be the voice when there's no way to cry/ Nosaltres podríem ser la veu quan no hi ha manera de plorar.
Let it all out 'cause now is our time/ deixa-ho anar tot perquè ara es la nostra hora.

All the things we never say, we can say today/ Totes les coses que mai diem, les podem dir avui
The love we had to borrow, we can spend tomorrow/ L'amor que em demanat, el podem gastar demà
If we don't surrender, we'll be young forever/ Si no ens rendim, serem joves per sempre
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som

United kids of the world!/ Els nois units del món 
Rise if you haven't been heard/ Aixecat si no has estat escoltat
United kids of the world!/ Els nois units del món
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som
(Na na, na na na, na na na)
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som...
(Na na, na na na, na na na)
United kids of the world! [3x]/ Els nois del mon units.

This one's for you if they tell you you'r wrong/ Això es per tu si ells t'han dit que estás equivocada
This one's for those who don't think they belong/ Això és per aquells que no pensen que importen. 
Just don't give a fuck, come on do what you want/ Que no t'importi una merda, vinga fes el que vols.
Let it all out, 'cause this is our song/ Deixa-ho anar tot, perquè això es la nostra cançó.

All the things we never say, we can say today/ Totes les coses que mai diem, les podem dir avui
The love we had to borrow, we can spend tomorrow/  L'amor que em demanat, el podem gastar demà
If we don't surrender, we'll be young forever/  Si no ens rendim, serem joves per sempre
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som

United kids of the world!/ Els nois units del món.
Rise if you haven't been heard/  Aixecat si no has estat escoltat
United kids of the world!/  Els nois units del món.
Say we are, we are .../  Digues que som, que som
United kids of the world!/   Els nois units del món.
Shout out if your feelin' hurt/ Crida si t'estas sentint ferit 
Say we are, we are .../  Digues que som, que som
United kids of the world!/ Els nois  del món units.

(Na na, na na na, na na na)
Say we are, we are .../  Digues que som, que som
(Na na, na na na, na na na)
Say we are, we are .../  Digues que som, que som
United kids of the world!/ Els nois del món units.
Shout out if your feelin' hurt/ Crida si et sents ferit
Say we are, we are .../ Digues que som, que som
United kids of the world! [2x] /  Els nois del món units.

Love in Pisa
In my view, I think that the best way to understand the world and learn from it, is traveling. I want to travel around the world. It sounds so typical, but it's not a dream that I want to fulfill. It's the life I want to live. This post is not about my wishes, it's about what I’m going to do with my life: I want to live 3 years in each place that have an own culture. I'm not talking about countries or states. I want to know and understand the so much different cultures as can be possible. 
I would like to make a photographic report, to explain my experiencies to the world. 

Some places where I would like to travel: India, Argentina, Canadá, France, united kingdom, USA, Germany, Patagonia, New Zeland, Italy.... 

Ana Lavanda

As everybody knows, the photography is something very important to me. I take photos everytime. The camera is like my hand... I wouldn't can live without it. I'm not profesional, but I would love to be it. Because of it, I've my own photoblog, where I hope that the people leave comments, with their opinions. 

My love for the photography started in 2011. It was summer and I was bored when I found one special blog. It was the blog of one special guy from one city near by mine. This guy is Curi. Right away, I fell in love with him. His photos talked to me. The way that he writes, moved me. Then I thought that It would be fantastic if I would get some special photos, which would move the other people. 
I'm so thankful to Curi. He doesn't know that I exist, but I hope that one day, I will be open enough to tell him that probably, he changed my life. Because after fall in love with Curial, I fell in love with photography.

I have one page on facebook, and I have instagram too.

Here I will show you some of my photos. 
I hope you will like it.

Reality is a prision.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Evelyn. She was really unhappy because she hated the world where she lived. A world without trees, without animals. The forests had become skyscrapers and all the animals had died or had been killed. All the animals, except one. The most dangerous, destructive, selfish and cruel. The only animal stupid enough to kill the only place where he can live: The human. The blame was on them, because they never had respected the nature. They were killers. They had killed the earth. 

Evelyn couldn't understand anything. She loved the nature since always, and her best friends always had been the animals and the plants. She never liked the humans. And the humans never liked her, because she always had been different.

Every day, Evelyn got lost inside the city, until she arrived to a square named Oasis. This square was the only place in the world, where still existed a little piece of natural life. In the middle of this special square, there was an enormous tree surrounded by weed. She toke off her boots to feel the weed under her nude feet. The trunk had become black, because of the contamination. The branches were bare. When she touched it, a lot of pictures filled her head. She dreamed about an enormous forest, full of trees, full of flowers, full of insects, with a lot of bunnies jumping beside her. She missed so much the green earth. She missed those days when she went to the river, which crossed the forest. She missed the angel of the nature. She started to cry, because if the earth would be dead, she would be dead too. 

Suddenly, Evelyn opened his eyes. It was just a nightmare. But she was cold, and she felt her feet so wet. When she looked her feet, them were dirty. As if her would be runing by the weed. 


Me, myself and I

The best way to know by heart someone, is ask to his friends or his family. So I've decided to ask that, to someone special for me:

One dear friend:

She thinks that i'm special. Special, diferent and unique. She literally said: "You're a wild spirit and you need to fly high with your wings like a bird. You can't be penned." It means a lot for me,because I got a new tattoo, that it's a sea-horse. It symbolize that one year ago, the sea became vital to me: I started skin diving. My father is a skin diving since I was little, so I always had  a special relationship with him. The sea, always had conect us. The sea-horse symbolize the father, because it's the male who carry the eggs, not the female. But another meaning of my new tatto, is the "wild spirit". I want to travel around the world.
 My tattoo symbolize my relationship with the sea, and with my father, and it reminds me that i'm a wild spirit, that wants to travel, thath wants to learn a lot of things about the other cultures.

And this is not all. She says  that i'm an artist, because I have a different point of view. She says that my eyes, can see a simple thing, and that I have the power to take a photo of that simple thing, and make it amazing, different and special. 

But I'm so pessimistic with myself.

My name is Ana, and this will be my english blog. All the photos, were taken by me.